爱尔眼科医院集团是具有中国及全球范围医院规模和优质医疗能力的眼科医疗集团,服务覆盖亚洲、欧洲和北美洲,在中国内地、欧洲、东南亚拥有3家上市公司(中国A股:爱尔眼科,300015;西班牙:CB**;新加坡:40T)。目前在全球范围内开设眼科医院及中心达720家,其中中国内地611家、中国香港7家、美国1家、欧洲89家、东南亚12家。2020年,中国内地年门诊量超1000万人次,手术量超100万台,医疗服务网络覆盖全球近30亿人口。 AIER Eye Hospital Group is a leading ophthalmic medical group (eye-care service provider) with domestic and global footprint and high-standard medical care capacity, serving patients across Asia, Europe, and North America. AIER has three public-trading companies listed in China, Europe, and Southeast Asia, respectively (Shenzhen Stock Market: AIER, 300015; Spain BME: CB**; Singapore SGX: 40T). We have so far established 720 ophthalmic hospitals and centers across the world, including 611 hospitals and centers in mainland China, 7 in Hong Kong, China, 1 in the United States, 90 in Europe, and 12 in Southeast Asia. In 2020, we served more than 10 million outpatient visits and preformed over 1 million surgeries in mainland China. Our medical service network covers approximately 3 billion people worldwide. 爱尔眼科始终坚持以国内发展为主线,国内**双线并举,共同进步。在发展的过程中,致力于引进和吸收**同步的眼科技术与医疗管理理念,以专业化、规模化、科学化为发展战略,推动中国眼科医疗事业的发展。通过不断实践,在充分吸收**优质的医疗管理经验的基础上,成功探索出一套适应中国国情和市场环境的眼科医院连锁经营管理模式——“分级连锁”,充分发挥人才、技术和管理等方面的优势,提升诊疗质量、完善医疗服务、优化医患沟通。 Domestic market is the core business of AIER and international market plays a more and more important role in our global strategy. We are committed to introducing and absorbing the cutting-edge technology and advanced management concepts, as well as to contributing to the evolution of China‘s ophthalmology market, in a specialized, scaled-up and scientific way. AIER has successfully explored the business model in line with China’s national and market condition through continuous practice- the “hierarchical chain”- to fully utilize advantages in talent, technology and management so as to achieve better clinical outcome, to improve service standard and to optimize communication between patients and medical personnel. 科研创新、人才培养是长远发展的基石,爱尔眼科不断加大科研投入,大力支持开展前沿性、原创性的眼科学术研究,全力推进全球化平台上的眼健康生态圈战略。自2013年爱尔眼科与中南大学联合成立中南大学爱尔眼科学院,正式开启校企合作的创新探索以来,陆续推动了与湖北科技学院、武汉大学、暨南大学、安徽医科大学、天津大学、四川大学等知名高校的战略合作,充分发挥企业和高校的独特优势,在医院共建、人才培养、师资队伍建设、教学科研等领域展开深入合作,联手共建眼科医教研平台,合力打造“名校+名企”典范,为社会培养更多的眼科医学人才,真正地为中国眼科学和视觉科学的创新发展贡献智慧与力量。 Scientific research innovation and talent cultivation are the cornerstones of long-term development. We vigorously support the development of original and cutting-edge scientific research and make ourselves committed to creating a closed-loop ophthalmic ecosystem on a global platform by gradually increasing investment. Since the joint establishment of AIER School of Ophthalmology of Central South University by AIER and Central South University in 2013, an innovative exploration of school-enterprise cooperation was officially launched. AIER then successively promoted strategic cooperation with well-known universities, such as Hubei University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, Jinan University, Anhui Medical University, Tianjin University, and Sichuan University, etc. AIER and the universities are sharing the same goal to build an integrated education and research platform by leveraging the strengths of “Good Company” and “Famous University” through in-depth collaboration in areas of hospital co-management, talent and faculty training, academic development and scientific research, so as to train excellent ophthalmic talents for the community, as well as to contribute our wisdom and power to the evolution of the ophthalmology and vision science in China. 在此基础上,爱尔眼科持续打造立体化科研平台,截止目前已在全国范围内构建起“八所、二站、二基地、三中心”的创新型科教研一体化平台。“八所”:爱尔眼科研究所、爱尔眼视光研究所、爱尔角膜病研究所、爱尔屈光研究所、爱尔视网膜研究所、爱尔青光眼研究所、爱尔白内障与人工晶状体研究所、武汉爱尔眼科研究所。获批设立“二站”:国家博士后科研工作站、湖南省院士**工作站;“二基地”:湖南省眼视光**科技合作基地、湖南省“海智计划”工作基地;“三中心”:湖南省眼视光工程技术研究中心、湖南省眼表疾病临床医学研究中心、湖南省企业技术中心;联合共建“爱尔眼科-中科院计算所数字眼科联合实验室”等创新平台。 Based on t