从兵口腔连锁医院创建已近30年,是集口腔医疗、预防、保健,科研,教学,口腔医院投资管理为一体的国家标准二级口腔专科连锁医院,分别在十堰、郧西、郧阳、房县等地区设有多家分院。开设有:微创种植牙中心、微创拔牙、牙齿美白保健、镶牙补牙、显微根管治疗牙痛、全隐形牙齿矫正、儿童牙病诊疗、牙周病专业,牙体牙髓病专业,牙齿美白,口腔保健,进口CBCT口腔影像诊断等专业。是鄂西北地区规模较大,品牌影响力和综合实力较强的一家口腔专科连锁医院。Hospital profile Congbing stomatological chain hospital has been established for nearly 30 years. It is a national standard secondary stomatological chain hospital integrating stomatological medical treatment, prevention, health care, scientific research, teaching and investment management of stomatological hospital. It has several branches in Shiyan, Yunxi, Yunyang, Fangxian and other areas. There are: painless minimally invasive dental implant center, painless minimally invasive tooth extraction, tooth whitening and health care, dental inlay and filling, micro root canal treatment of toothache, total invisible orthodontics, children's dental disease diagnosis and treatment, periodontal disease, dental pulp disease, tooth whitening, oral health care, imported CBCT oral imaging diagnosis and other specialties. It is a chain Hospital of Stomatology with large scale, strong brand influence and comprehensive strength in Northwest Hubei.